
May 3, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

Making a clickable image and/or making a clickable container (Ext JS 4.x)

I had a case where I wanted to be able to click on an image and have it execute a transition within the Ext JS MVC […]
May 3, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

Creating a dynamic TabPanel that contains dynamic GridPanels (Ext JS 4.x)

This was in a case where the data needed to be displayed in a tab for each category, so tab A had grid A, tab B […]
May 2, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

Adding columns dynamically to a GridPanel (Ext JS 4.x)

This was a little confusing to figure out because doing this is very different in the various versions of Ext JS. In this example there is […]
May 1, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

Calculating the scrollbar height of an iFrame (Ext JS 4.x)

First you need to get the DOM element of the iFrame,  so assuming you have an iframe like ths following: var panel = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { title: […]
April 30, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

Writing an asynchronous task that takes a parameter (Ext JS 4.x)

I couldn’t actually find an example of how to do this in any of the documentation, forums, or the rest of the internet so I resorted […]
April 27, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

Displaying an iFrame at 100% height and width in a dynamic Panel (Ext JS 4.x)

This ended up being pretty tricky. As it turns out you can use the html width attribute for the iFrame tag to set its width to […]
April 26, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

Resetting the selection in a combobox (Ext JS 4.x)

Resetting the selection in a combo box require the following three lines: myComboBox.clearValue(); myComboBox.applyEmptyText(); myComboBox.getPicker().getSelectionModel().doMultiSelect([], false);
April 26, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

Loading JSON data from a web service into a combobox (Ext JS 4.x)

Combo boxes don’t work like grids, in that you just can call the combo box “getStore().loadData” function and pass in the JSON data. I eventually found […]
April 26, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

What to include in app.js (Ext JS 4.x)

The following should be specified above the Ext.application declaration in app.js: Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled:true}); Ext.require([             'Ext.data.Store',             'Ext.data.StoreManager',             'Ext.data.HasManyAssociation',             'Ext.data.BelongsToAssociation',             'Ext.container.Viewport',             'Ext.grid.*',             'Ext.util.*',             'Ext.state.*',             'Ext.form.*'         ]);   Ext.application({    name: […]