Custom theme slicing is not generating images in 4.1 as it did in 4.0.
In 4.0 assuming a directory structure like the following:
Whenever you run the “compass compile” on the project, you get the expected css file generated in the css directory:
If you look at my-ext-theme.css when using 4.0, you will see the following:
So between 4.0 and 4.1 images moved from images to images/default
When you run the slicing tool on the project (ext-theme.exe on Windows) out of Sencha SDK Beta Tool 3 on 4.0 you get the following:
When you run the slicing tool on the project (ext-theme.exe on Windows) out of Sencha SDK Beta Tool 3 on 4.1 you get the following:
No images are generated. What happened?
After poking through the extjs framework directory for things like “default” and “images” nothing stood out. After having already spent quite a bit of time on this, and being on the last week of a particular project, I was left with a few choices:
<target name="slice-theme-hack"> <!-- An ant macro around compass compile --> <af-sencha-compile-sass-into-css sencha-resources-dir="${basedir}/WebContent/resources" /> <!-- An ant macro around slicing themes --> <af-sencha-slice-theme sencha-extjs-dir="${basedir}/theme-hack/extjs-4.0" sencha-resources-dir="${basedir}/WebContent/resources" theme-css="my-ext-theme.css" manifest-json="manifest.json" /> <copy todir="${basedir}/WebContent/resources/images/default"> <fileset dir="${basedir}/WebContent/resources/images/"> <exclude name="default/**" /> <exclude name="*.*" /> </fileset> </copy> <delete includeEmptyDirs="true"> <fileset dir="${basedir}/WebContent/resources/images/" > <exclude name="default/**" /> <exclude name="*.*" /> </fileset> </delete> </target>
Have you tested this with the recent 4.1.1 release and is this fix still needed?
No, I haven’t had time to test it in 4.1.1 yet.