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Resetting the selection in a combobox (Ext JS 4.x)

April 26, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn
Loading JSON data from a web service into a combobox (Ext JS 4.x)
April 26, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn
Displaying an iFrame at 100% height and width in a dynamic Panel (Ext JS 4.x)
April 27, 2012

Resetting the selection in a combo box require the following three lines:

myComboBox.getPicker().getSelectionModel().doMultiSelect([], false);
I live and work in the Dallas/Fort Worth area as a Principal Consultant for AppFoundation. I have been working with Java since 2000, Flex since it was in beta release, iOS development since 2008, and Sencha and Ext JS 4 since 2012. I have a Bachelor of Music with a double major in Music Performance and Music Composition, and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Science from Texas Christian University. I also have a Master of Science in Software Engineering from Southern Methodist University. I specialize in enterprise development, architecture, design, and continuous integration practices.

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